
this can be any image - it does not need to show you


I, Līmen, escaped from a Sink Tank 20 odd years ago — the exact point in time cannot be pinpointed fully. The term Sink Tank describes a paradigm which seeks to overcome and prevent impending catastrophies but by implementing progressive elements of the same paradigm only. Back then and in the course of such a movement, a subtle, largely unnoticed calamity occurred, overwriting and replacing large portions of memory relating to our common language and innate communication systems.

To the day, those affected are yet to entirely figure out which memories are real, which are imaginary — I am one of them affected. However, the escape from the transformation has furthermore yielded phenomenal artifacts in memory, such as fragments of previous (and upcoming) existences, its writing systems in use and tools of the communication trade at the time. This also includes memories of other humankinds altogether. I thus keep my notebook on me where ever I go, since it helps me in rebuilding the fragmented portions. Accordingly, the open and interactive institution »Liminal Theatre« was founded in 2028, shortly after the calamity had commenced — a place to exchange and relearn forgotten communication tools evolving around language, writing, music, aroma, our relationship with plants and experiences of mutual magic. Due to the large number of contributions since its establishment, many subdivisions have arisen, one of which is the department »Multilogue«, archiving the various writing systems representing our languages at different stages, including musical notation since 2029. Long before the sink tank period, we founded Xenorama to host collective experiences by using contemproary communication systems — increasingly technological in their nature — in order to remind us of connections we once cherished and valued, as well as those we seek amid further specification.

Together we have already established that two humankinds ago, we have been part of a similar movement and endeavor. Our manifest at that time was the »Voynich Manuscript« which we are about to decode.

I personally am often abducted into parallel sampling, a non-technological tool to import fragrances and harmonies from parallel futures/pasts. I gained all my intuition from expriences and curiosity, never have I set foot into a university as a scholar.


other members of the Xenorama:
