<aside> 🔦 What defines us? Try to write a short profile, and when you’ve finished, create a shared timeline between when your group first formed and now in 2045.
When did our group form?
Why did our group form?
What is our group trying to achieve?
How are we organized?
Foundation year (input)
Now (2045)
We are here to exchange our expertise knowledges in sustainability, find blind spots and questioning human-centered views/standpoints/knowledges. We want to share our knowledge of the new ways of communicating with other-than-human species and human species. There needs to be change, FAST! We will record what we have learned in the last 2 decades environmentally. The goal is to understand how arts education is in 2045 and how it supports the change of the world into socially and environmentally sustainable. What is the role of AE in this change?
What is art education in 2045?
Formulation of targets:
Formulation of actions:
Creating a timeline: