I am flui (they/them) a trans-moving-mutating witch* who is obsessed with making connections to plantlives, entering conversations with them, and finding common grounds/soils/minerals/stones/webs/imaginations/materialities/memories/stories/names. My personality is shaped by multiple exchanges/mutations with other-than-human beings, through conversations/being-together/digesting-each-other/bodily fluids/thoughts/emotions/shared experiences. Most of my exchanges with plant beings are based on questions about survival/struggle. How can plant* beings help me/us to become the person/s I/we want to be? How can I/we, together with plant* beings, shape our surroundings? What can I/we give to secure plant*lives? I am researcher/collaborator/student/artist/writer/weaver/mutant. Even though my work is based on exchange and connection, it is the hardest thing to have/initiate/manifest. My limitations are the human-centered perceptions I/we was/were raised with. I am here in 2045 to be a student and collaborator, to shape the past/future, and to expand my understanding of symbiosis.